C-SPAN yesterday interviewed Avi Jorish of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, who discussed his new book about al-Manar, Hizballah's television station, which is available by satellite around the world. He spoke clearly and intelligently about the threat posed by what he calls this "beacon of hatred" (al-Manar means "beacon"), while defending himself against charges of bias and of suppression of free speech.
Regarding Israel, he described himself as a supporter of a two-state solution, and expressed his concern that the Palestinian leadership is not preparing its public for such a solution. He mentioned seeing coverage recently on al-Jazeera in which Palestinian leaders assured "refugees" that they would defend their "right of return" to Israel - a position which essentially makes a two-state solution impossible, and implies the end of Israel as a Jewish state. To me, this supports my contention that there will be no Palestinian state.
The interview is not yet available on C-SPAN's web site, but it will presumably be available soon. Look for video of the Washington Journal of November 28.
Update: The video clip is now available for RealPlayer.
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