Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Googly-eyed ads IV (aka Nu-de Jews Editing the Holy Quran)

Google Ads have done it again. Visiting Out of Step Jew today, I was confronted with the following commercial messages:

They're all so tempting I don't know where to click first! Talk about out of step...

(Previous posts in this series: Sell Your Settlement, Gaza Strip Singles, Messianic Connections)


Cosmic X said...

Indeed, a difficult choice!

Out of Step in Kfar Saba said...

I guess I should start paying more attention to these strange ads. As if I make any money off of them.

Soccer Dad said...

Now when you go site meter you'll discover that occasionally people looking for pr0n sites. I discovered that when I once referred to "Jewish Girls going Wild."

Zman Biur said...


Any suggestions?


Just make sure the ads aren't better than the articles!


Thanks for the warning. I've just edited to headline to (hopefully) avoid that. (I hope your comment hasn't made it worse.)

Soferet said...

If it makes you feel any better, OOSJ, yesterday my Google Adsense bar had one for Messianic Jewish Singles & another for New Age Sacred Harlotry...
...go figger...

Zman Biur said...

I'm sure Google Ads didn't used to carry anything off-color. Am I wrong?